The fortune teller promised to tell me everything...and she said... "why young lady...don't worry about your future, and don't think about your past.. all that is a mirage...I will make you a love potion and a happiness potion that will enrich your life beyond your wildest dreams...come and sit and let me read the cards." The first card I pulled was the Knight of Swords...she said a good omen... I would meet someone tall and strong, intelligent and wealthy...
The tea she asked me to drink had a faint taste of roses and lavender, citrus and jasmine... it was delicious -- the incense was sandalwood mixed with something sweeter with more depth... it put me into a dream-like state where everything felt as it should be...and always was... I felt contentment like I have never felt before.
I love this new Victorian Styled Gown by Sylvan Moon Designs called the Mercy Maxwell Dress. It comes with gloves and this fabulous hat that really makes this outfit shine in all its' period Victorian splendor. It comes in red, black, green, purple, teal and rose. I loved the shade of the rose but it is fabulous in all the colors. The Mercy Maxwell Dress is made for classic, and maitreya, slink and belleza mesh bodies. No matter what body you have, you will really enjoy wearing this beautifully done period look. I have paired it with new hair called Scarlett by Ali and Ali with its gorgeous cascading curls that make wearing this hat a pleasure.
Gown - Sylvan Mood Designs - Mercy Maxwell Dress
Hair - Ali and Ali - Scarlett
Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥