Friday, October 19, 2018

Mr. X and Depeche Toi - Sascha Designs & Avada & Swank

There is a room, a secret room... it is in my dreams... and I know Mr. X that room is in yours.  It is just beyond the door.   Follow me in this new gorgeous gown by Sascha's Designs called Depeche  Toi ---- it is elegant and spooktacular for the season... I love the headdress... and Swank exclusive Earrings by Avada  called Kelin.
To the hairpiece, Sascha had added a fabulous gown for  Mesh bodies - Maitreya and Slink... it has a stole, and cool flexi prims and you can wear it with appliers... it is so gorgeous...and an exclusive @ Swank... it is a must-have!  I  

Wearing -  Swank  Exclusives

Outfit - Sascha - Depeche  Toi

Earrings -  Avada - Kelin

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