Saturday, August 13, 2016

Mr. X and Petunia @ Swank [Modern Couture] & Third Eye

I told Mr. X that I find great solace in the garden... not just any garden... one that melts seamlessly into  the lush surrounding landscape -- an informal garden --- formal in its structure, cared for with joyful plantings created with the eye of an artist.... simply beautiful like this new exclusive gown offered by Modern Designs @ Swank called Petunia. I am wearing it in pink.

Petunia's originate in South America and are from the same family that includes tomatoes, chili peppers and tobacco!  The flower symbolizes anger and resentment especially when they are presented by someone with whom you have recently had a disagreement. They can also symbolize your desire to spend time with someone because you find their company soothing and peaceful.
Whatever petunia's mean to you this gown embellished by this lavish flower in full bloom is sure to cause a rise in blood pressure wherever you go...on another note, according to the urban dictionary... a "petunia" connotates a beauty of great proportions... and that is exactly what this dress does!

I am also featuring a wonderful mesh fountain, another exclusive @ Swank called Eternal Steps Fountain by Third Eye.  This fountain is only 23 prims and comes with a color changing hud that allows you to change the color of the lights of this gorgeously detailed fountain.

Exclusive @ Swank

[Modern Couture] Petunia Pink Dress

Fountain -Third eye-  Eternal Steps Fountain  @ Swank

Skin - October 4 Seasons - Catalina Lily

Eyemake-up October 4 Seasons - Flossy

Hair - D!va - Manon

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