Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Mr. X and Riding the Waves... SKWB @ Swank

Waves...  they can caress you or batter you... I prefer a caress... but as you and, my beloved Mr. X knows, I am a romantic. I just adore the new neo-Japanese kimino inspired by SKWB that is an exclusive at Swank. It is  almost mermaid inspirational and this is just the "wave" pattern!

It comes in Waves, Cranes, GoldAqua, Llamas, Skulls, Sakura, Cafe in freya, hourglass,  isis, and Lara (worn).  physique, tonic curvy, tonic fine,  venus, voluptuous.  So as the night closes and the waves flow into the passionate arms of the shore and out again... just get this trendy mini -- it is multi-cultural and exciting... a tight Japanese belt and a gorgeous pattern... what more do you want... dive into the waves... please... with me!

Wearing  - SKWB  Exclusive @ Swank - Waves

Swank LM - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swank%20Events/178/114/24

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Mr. x and Midori - Giulia Designs @ Swank

I love Midori by Giulia Designs @ Swank... it is a  sexy  Asian inspired very very short dress...  made for mesh bodies... that recalls opium dreams and gardens of the east under stars and moonlight... how I adore Mr. X like that.....

I adore the intricate pattern just like my feelings for Mr. X... so complex and multi-layered, and, yes, I like that.  Tonight I will wait once again for him... once again... as the moon completes another cycle... my advice is to get this tantalizing little mini neo-asian dress and have some fun....

Wearing Swank Exclusive - Midori - Giulia Designs @ Swank

Swank - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swank%20Events/178/114/24

Main Store Giulia https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/56982

Friday, August 14, 2020

Mr. X and Adriane - Jumo @ Swank

Aridane a nice name... related to the woman that left a golden string in the labyrinth... they all followed her and wearing this gown all will follow you too... just ask Mr. X... it is alluring and, with it's 20 changing color hud with wild florals and solids... this is a summer must-have... and available on special @ Swank.

I love the way this gown cascades and, most of all I love the V neck and the attach/ detachable puff sleeves... they are so awesome...  and so very seductive...Ladies -- this is a must-have... and, yes you will thank me, and Jumo! Look at the beautiful fish earrings that come with this... they are gorgeous and  I adore them... and so will you... they are an extra special perk... 

I think of you  Mr. X  you have changed me already and I  love and guess at you... and then I wonder how we will be together,,, I close my eyes... and dream...  please... join me in my dream... Mr. X... kiss kiss and  ladies get Jumo!

Wearing  Swank Exclusive - Jumo @ Swank... Aridande including the gown and the  gorgeous fish earrings.

Swank LM  https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swank%20Events/178/114/24

Jumo Main Store - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Lodge/205/76/24

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Bali Hai... and Irrisitible - Polynesian Beauty

 Ah the nights call me ... in this new fabulous look called Polynesian Beauty by Irresistible... can't you just hear the night breeze softly scented call you... 
Bali Hai... a secret island... lost in the middle of a lonely sea... sometimes, longing for Mr. X I feel like that... as I wait for him... my skin is golden and my lips are honey... I long for him... can he hear my name... as I sigh for him... perhaps... and perhaps not...
Who can resist a girl from the fabled islands of Polynesia? Not many men...and look at the detail in this outfit... the grass skirt, the tiki mask belt, and tattoo... the hibiscus flowers the feather crown... the leopard panties and armbands and leg bands... the detail goes on and on and on... I love it... no worries made for mesh slink, Maitreya and Belleza and comes with appliers even omega... do easy to wear.
The detail in this headdress is so beautiful and this shot does not even do it justice but you get the idea... it is amazing. So as I swing alone waiting for Mr. X I suggest you go to swank and get the Polynnisan Beauty by Irrisitible and btw,  there is also one made for men... oh la la!
Wearing Irrisitible @ Swank - Polynesian Beauty
LM - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swank%20Events/178/114/24

Monday, August 10, 2020

Mr. X and Zimi I love Sascha's Designs

 Pink and Black so much fun and so evocative...and gorgeous by Sascha's Designs called Zimi... it is a chimera of seduction... and is made for mesh bodies....

I love the fact that Zima comes with a classic hat... it allows me to be so seductive and mysterious... Mr. X loves that... and, trust me, all eyes are on me... after all... I am half and half... and I am in your arms as always Mr. X... I miss you so much....i could go on and on... and you know who you are....

you have to figure me out as an entire... woman... and as you do... I think we will have fun... after all, that is what SL is about... fun...

Wearing - Sascha's Designs - Zima - Pink and Black

Sascha's Designs LM - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pond/148/76/22

Sunday, July 26, 2020

A Night to Remember - Frilled - Ghee

The glimmer of the soft crescent moon... the summer heat is down to a pulsating low... the scent of jasmine floats in the air... we meet in the light... he is golden in my eyes... a penumbra... mystical like golden dawn of a new day.... can you hear me call your name?

I love this new gown with 18 colors for the slip dress and ruffled hemline called frilled by Ghee ... it is not at all frilly... it is as sensual as the warm sweet breeze and the light touch of a lover... that you dance away with... on clouds of untold passion and dreams too wonderful to dare aloud....

Wearing - Ghee - Frilled - 18 color hud for mesh bodies...

Thank you Jose for the dance!

Mr. X and The Myst Red - Poison Rouge @ Tres Chic

I adore this new dress by Poson Rouge it is elegant in its simple lines, something that is not easy to achieve and, the gold (or silver) belt that hangs sensually from my waist replete with tassels is just fabulous. It reminds me of a night long ago...the roses on the bushes deep in the heart of the moors... the smell of heather and lavender...

A pause in time... and a remembrance of an old love and a new one...and all between... the moon shines and the candles gleam gold... my heart is filled with happiness... on this lovely summer night... as I wait for him. This gorgeous frock is fitted for maitreya and legacy and is available in black, white, and red and comes with a belt option in gold or silver.

Poison Rouge -The Myst - Exclusive  @ Tres Chic