Be merry in May... at Swank... be cool and evocative... kiss and never tell... and celebrate May... at Swank... look at these gorgeous earrings by Jumo called Elsa that come with a fab color-changing hud... they are just pure glam... I combined them with GGVG called Bea 4--- a combo hard to beat and an exclusive @ Swank
It is night and I am alone again... no Mr. X in sight... somehow I know he is on the distant horizon... and wearing this... how he can resist --- and check out this exclusive by GGVG called Bea 4... I love the off-the-shoulder top and sexy pants ...Bea Outfit 4 is made for Genxcl, curvy, kupra, Lara (worn), legacy, perky, and reborn plus petite and petite sizes and waifu.
Wearing Swank Exclusives
Outfit GGVG - Bea 4
Earrings and Shoes - Jumo - eaarings Elsa - Shoes - Amira
Sunglasses - Sonatta Moreles - no longer available