It's exciting. Breaking the rules. I want to be unlike all the fairies and witches that have ever lived before me; I think I want to live without consequence and live on desire and desire alone. And so I have combined this magical outfit from Swank... I am wearing.....Natia by MSN Design -- and it is an exclusive @ Swank --- is made for many mesh bodies maitreya worn, legacy, reborn, and kupra and comes with a fab color-changing hud... I love the puff sleeve and the silver button details... this is a designer with an amazing eye.
I combined the Asha Collection by Zuri, it's new and exclusive @ Swank. This necklace is so esoteric because of the wonderful intricate pattern it is amazing --- artful and a must-have. Best of all the Asha jewelry set comes with a color-changing hud for the metal and the stones.