I love the ruffled bottom of the skirt that you can change colors of with the hud as well as the top. The drape of the skirt from behind gives this a very cool asymmetrical look that adds drama to this look and the stripes of the top and cinched leather belt adds intrigue, Mr. X likes that.
I paired https://seaport.org/ with new boots from Guilias Designs and Blood Gloves from Wicca's Wardrobe to complete this look... that makes me know that I shall find Hectate even if I have to travel long distances on the land and sea... ... through starlit skies and moon filled nights that light crossroads that lie before me... Hecate Guardian of the Doorways... will always guide me through the dark to the dawn...
Swank Exclusive - Hecate - Selene Creations
Swank LM - https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Swank%20Events/178/114/24
Wicca's Wardrobe - Blood Shed Gloves - exclusive @ Ironwood Haunting
Boots & Necklace -- Halloween -Guila Designs https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/56982