Create your own "Tarot” is a exclusive SL event exploring one of the Major Arcana cards each month and features exclusive designs from 22 of the best creators in SL over a two week period; this one runs through July 1. !Lyrical B!zzare has created an opulent gown for this month's "card" -- The Empress. This gown with matching headpiece and jewelry is imperial, imposing, regal and just plain gorgeous.
The Empress is the embodiment of all things feminine. She is the alchemical symbol of Venus and is dressed in an opulent gown of red, gold and white -- the colors representing the ability to give and receive love. She is the door between earth and heaven, light and darkness. She is- above all things - universal fecundity.
The crown of the Empress is symbolic of the unification of the sun and moon and the beauty of the stars...representing the unification of the material and spiritual qualities... she is the soul of the earth. Her golden necklace with the symbol of all things feminine is life itself -- she nourishes creativity with every fiber of her being.
The Empress stands in an open archway... a portal to the future that is something infinitely more beautiful and fulfilling. Nearby is a bowl of pomegranates... a symbol of love and generosity, abundance and bliss... As Mr. X and I eat this luscious fruit we recognize the wonder that surrounds us at every turn.
Wearing: Exclusive for Create your own Tarot (this round through July 1)
Wearing --- !Lyrical Bizzare - The Empress (comes with pomegranate bowl, headpieceand gown)
Jewelry: Lyrical Bizzare - Venus
Create your own Tarot Location:
!Lyrical B!zzare Main Store
Skin - October 4 Seasons Skins - Rehana Marigold
Create Your Own Tarot Official webpage
Hair - D!va- Miss Norway