Friday, June 12, 2015

Mr. X and the First Saturday in July in Sascha's New Cocktail Dress

I told Mr. X  I have to skip the evening party with the Governor.  Of course... Mr. X said, of course, -- I can't picture you in that gorgeous dress by Sascha's Designs called Claire standing in line for cheese and crackers... yes budgets are tight -- wonders where the caviar is!
Mr. X, let's slip out  to the city bar that overlooks Manhattan -- can't you see me in the city lights sipping.... let me think,  a "Manhattan"?  I slipped on this gorgeous new silk and gold thread embroidered cocktail dress that comes in peach, lemon, purple, pink, cherry and fuscia. I love the lavish gold thread pattern
In this  cocktail dress with it's deep cut V neckline and it's three versions of skirts from layered to straight and sensual to flouncy and flirty... I cannot help but look crisp, confident and yours.

Mr. X my only question is... will you get me a refill and shall we tango into the wee hours of the morning?

Wearing Sascha's Designs *New* Claire in Peach and Cherry

Skin- Jewell Blossom October 4 Season Skins
Eyeshadow - *New*- Delight - Cottencandy- October 4 Season Skins
Eyeliner - Line me Up 6 - October 4 Season Skins

Hair - Argrace - Urara - Sandy Blonde

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