Friday, September 2, 2016

Mr. X on the "fringe" Kate by Journey @ Marvelous Events - Prism & Special Event for Italy's Earthquake

Marvelous Events has started its new round for the month and is offering some wonderful exclusive items like this lovely leather dress called Kate Fringed Dress by Journey created by  Prism. This dress comes with a color changing hud in sharkskin, lush meadow, riverside and dusty cedar. It is made for  slink , maitreya and classic bodies.

Mr. X was fascinated with the long fringe and the zipper detail in the back.  This is the kind of dress you  in late afternoon at the bar at the Hotel Pierre in NYC to prolong a discussion that started over lunch.

Imagine trying to convince a Cambridge Professor to come out of the "dark ages" and support the fact that there is global warming. He is such a skeptic. But in this heat generating dress...he is hanging on my every word... and I am betting he will come around!

Kate  by Journey @ Marvelous Events  - Prism

In the early morning hours of August 24th,2016 tragedy struck Italy. Mother Nature decided to lay her strong quivering hands on the ground of the mountainous central regions, causing a 6.2 magnitude earthquake.
At least 290 people have died across the region, many more have been injured. Countless homes and businesses have been destroyed, the town of Amatrice is in ruins. This disaster has left many people with nothing but the clothes they were wearing when the earthquake began.
This is a tragedy that many of us can’t imagine. We’ve been lucky to live in places that mother nature has not yet forsaken. For many of us, this tragedy and similar events like it are just a passing story on the nightly news. For those in Italy the story has become reality. In times like these, it is important to remember that no matter where you live in the world you can help. Survivors need emergency supplies like food, water, and medicine. They also have long-term needs like shelter and help with rebuilding.
We are lucky here in Second Life to be able to spend our days surrounded by people from all over the world. We may be nothing more than pixels on a computer, but behind those pixels are real human beings that live, breathe and love.
Marvelous events, along their staff are setting aside everything in real life and in second life on September 17th, 2016 to support Italy. This will be a day to honor their Italian staff, friends and anyone in the SecondLife Community who have been affected by this disaster.
Marvelous Events shopping district will be holding events in The Lounge all day on Saturday, September 17th. Marvelous Events will be donating 100% of their proceeds from the event sales, 100% of Donations to The Lounge and the Dj’s are graciously donating 100% their tips as well to the Croce Rossa Italiana (Italian red cross).
What’s in store for the day?
· For music lovers, we have amazing Dj’s spinning tunes from 6am-10pm in the lounge.
· For shoppers, all our shops will be open and ready for you to browse.
· Their will be random prize giveaways throughout the entire day from our Marvelous Designers.· Our sim sponsor, Posh Pixels has offered to create a OOAK gown to be auctioned off. 100% of the proceeds donated to the cause.
This will be an amazing event that you don’t want to miss. Marvelous Events owners and staff hope to make a difference for the people suffering in Italy. This is your chance to help out those in need.
Whether you have been lucky enough to never experience a disaster like this or you have been part of one in the past, you can help make a difference by participating in the events on Saturday September 17th.
Make sure you mark this day on your calendars.

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