Sunday, February 8, 2015

Intricate (feelings) and Mr. X... !Lyrical B!zzare

Still at Prambanan... the sun is setting and another new dress by !Lyrical Bizzare at The Instruments called Intricate makes me feel like Parvati herself --- consort of Lord Shiva, the creator and destroyer... could this be Mr. X's real avatar?

He  certainly creates... for Lea 18 and he is  creating like mad.... don't miss it.... his creations  are like spring in winter... ice... and .....the 9 Circles of Hell... the work is in progress.

As he creates I dance life into being... with wanton abandon.... is there any other way?  And, yes, Mr. X is highly amused.

And seduced with my dance of joy and temptation --- can you just hear it  reverberating around the temple walls as the procession wends it's way around the flower festooned corridors?

Mr. X.... I want you to log in right now! I am wistful..... and yes, wanton.....


!Lyrical B!zzare - Intricate - exlcusives at The Instruments through Feb. 25

Shoes - Wicca Merlin - Carrie in Red - Steam styled

Skin-  October4 Seasons- Limited Edition Angelica Milk

Hair - *Argrace* -Haruka

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